
起名,改名, 更好命 Naming, Change Name, Improve Destiny

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The Five Essential Elements of Naming refer to a person's name's sound, meaning, imagery, form, and the five elements of destiny. Naming involves considering so many factors, making it a challenging task, especially since Chinese characters are vast and profound. The combination of characters can be confusing, and the differing opinions from people around add to the complexity. Many might wonder: what makes a good name? Here, we will briefly focus on the aspects of sound and form to explain what makes a good name.

Sound: A person's name will be called many times throughout their life, so here are some suggestions for the sound:

  1. Avoid rare characters: These can cause confusion about pronunciation or lead to misunderstandings, which may even become embarrassing. Parents shouldn't add unnecessary trouble by choosing uncommon characters just to be unique.

  2. Pay attention to tone: In Mandarin, tones 1 and 2 are "even tones" (平), and tones 3 and 4 are "rising and falling tones "Píngzè" (仄). It's better to balance them in a name, like using a rising tone if the surname has an even tone and vice versa. This creates a pleasant rhythm. Even if all tones are even, combining yin and yang tones, like in the name "Jiang Hang" (江航), can still make the name sound smooth.

  3. Use open sounds: Open sounds are more resonant than closed ones. For example, "Liang" (亮) sounds louder than "Ye" (业). A loud and resonant name can enhance a person's luck.

  4. Avoid bad homophones: Bad homophones may create negative associations when the name is called. Repeating a name several times and testing it in different dialects can help prevent this.

Form: Aside from being called, a name is frequently used for signatures, making its form important. Everyone, from celebrities to regular people, will have occasion to sign their name. So, here are some tips regarding the form of a name:

  1. Overall balance: The name should be well-coordinated in terms of how the characters look together. Avoid having parts of the name that are too heavy or too light. After selecting the name, write it out to ensure it looks well-balanced.

  2. Avoid difficult-to-find characters: While choosing a rare character may seem unique, it could cause difficulties with official documents, registrations, and computer systems that may not recognize the character. It's best to test the name in a computer database to avoid future complications.

  3. Complex characters: If you want to use complex characters, it's fine, but it's best to choose characters with a simple structure to ensure ease in writing and consistency.